2 Samuel 23:14
At that time David was in the stronghold, and the garrison of the Philistines was at Bethlehem.
Cross References
1 Samuel 13:23
And a garrison of the Philistines had gone out to the pass at Michmash.

1 Samuel 22:4
So he left them in the care of the king of Moab, and they stayed with him the whole time David was in the stronghold.

1 Samuel 22:5
Then the prophet Gad said to David, "Do not stay in the stronghold. Depart and go into the land of Judah." So David left and went to the forest of Hereth.

2 Samuel 5:17
When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over Israel, they all went in search of him; but David learned of this and went down to the stronghold.

Treasury of Scripture
And David was then in an hold, and the garrison of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem.

an hod

1 Samuel 22:1,4,5
David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard it, they went down thither to him…

1 Samuel 24:22
And David sware unto Saul. And Saul went home; but David and his men gat them up unto the hold.

1 Chronicles 12:16
And there came of the children of Benjamin and Judah to the hold unto David.


1 Samuel 10:5
After that thou shalt come to the hill of God, where is the garrison of the Philistines: and it shall come to pass, when thou art come thither to the city, that thou shalt meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place with a psaltery, and a tabret, and a pipe, and a harp, before them; and they shall prophesy:

1 Samuel 13:4,23
And all Israel heard say that Saul had smitten a garrison of the Philistines, and that Israel also was had in abomination with the Philistines. And the people were called together after Saul to Gilgal…

1 Samuel 14:1,6
Now it came to pass upon a day, that Jonathan the son of Saul said unto the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over to the Philistines' garrison, that is on the other side. But he told not his father…


2 Samuel 23:13
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