Amos 2:16
Even the bravest of mighty men will flee naked on that day," declares the LORD.
Cross References
Judges 4:17
Meanwhile, Sisera had fled on foot to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, because there was peace between Jabin king of Hazor and the house of Heber the Kenite.

Psalm 76:5
The valiant lie plundered; they sleep their last sleep. No men of might could lift a hand.

Treasury of Scripture
And he that is courageous among the mighty shall flee away naked in that day, said the LORD.


Jeremiah 48:41
Kerioth is taken, and the strong holds are surprised, and the mighty men's hearts in Moab at that day shall be as the heart of a woman in her pangs.


Judges 4:17
Howbeit Sisera fled away on his feet to the tent of Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite: for there was peace between Jabin the king of Hazor and the house of Heber the Kenite.

2 Kings 7:8-20
And when these lepers came to the uttermost part of the camp, they went into one tent, and did eat and drink, and carried thence silver, and gold, and raiment, and went and hid it; and came again, and entered into another tent, and carried thence also, and went and hid it

Mark 14:52
And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked.


Amos 2:15
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