Galatians 4:10
You are observing special days and months and seasons and years!
Cross References
Romans 14:5
One person regards a certain day above the others, while someone else considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.

Galatians 4:11
I fear for you, that my efforts for you may have been in vain.

Colossians 2:16
Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a Sabbath.

Treasury of Scripture
You observe days, and months, and times, and years.

Leviticus 23:1-44
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, …

Leviticus 25:1,13
And the LORD spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying, …

Numbers 28:1-29:40
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, …


Galatians 4:9
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