Haggai 2:11
"This is what the LORD of Hosts says: 'Ask the priests for a ruling.
Cross References
Deuteronomy 17:8
If a case is too difficult for you to judge, whether the controversy within your gates is regarding bloodshed, lawsuits, or assaults, you must go up to the place the LORD your God will choose.

Ezekiel 22:26
Her priests do violence to My law and profane My holy things. They make no distinction between the holy and the common, and they fail to distinguish between the clean and the unclean. They disregard My Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them.

Ezekiel 44:23
They are to teach My people the difference between the holy and the common, and show them how to discern between the clean and the unclean.

Malachi 2:7
For the lips of a priest should preserve knowledge, and people should seek instruction from his mouth, because he is the messenger of the LORD of Hosts.

Treasury of Scripture
Thus said the LORD of hosts; Ask now the priests concerning the law, saying,

Leviticus 10:10,11
And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean; …

Deuteronomy 33:10
They shall teach Jacob thy judgments, and Israel thy law: they shall put incense before thee, and whole burnt sacrifice upon thine altar.

Ezekiel 44:23,24
And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean…


Haggai 2:10
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