Judges 13:13
So the angel of the LORD answered Manoah, "Your wife is to do everything I told her.
Cross References
Exodus 3:2
There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from within a bush. Moses saw the bush ablaze with fire, but it was not consumed.

Judges 13:4
Now please be careful not to drink wine or strong drink, and not to eat anything unclean.

Judges 13:11
So Manoah got up and followed his wife. When he came to the man, he asked, "Are you the man who spoke to my wife?" "I am," he said.

Judges 13:12
Then Manoah asked, "When your words come to pass, what will be the boy's rule of life and mission?"

Treasury of Scripture
And the angel of the LORD said to Manoah, Of all that I said to the woman let her beware.


Judges 13:12
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