Psalm 88:11
Can Your loving devotion be proclaimed in the grave, Your faithfulness in Abaddon?
Cross References
Revelation 9:11
They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon.

Psalm 88:10
Do You work wonders for the dead? Do departed spirits rise up to praise You? Selah

Psalm 88:12
Will Your wonders be known in the darkness, or Your righteousness in the land of oblivion?

Psalm 89:1
I will sing of the loving devotion of the LORD forever; with my mouth I will proclaim Your faithfulness to all generations.

Isaiah 38:18
For Sheol cannot thank You; Death cannot praise You. Those who descend to the Pit cannot hope for Your faithfulness.

Treasury of Scripture
Shall your loving kindness be declared in the grave? or your faithfulness in destruction?

in destruction

Psalm 55:23
But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee.

Psalm 73:18
Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction.

Job 21:30
That the wicked is reserved to the day of destruction? they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath.


Psalm 88:10
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