Numbers 2:16
The total number of men in the divisions of the camp of Reuben is 151,450; they shall set out second.
Cross References
Numbers 2:15
and his division numbers 45,650.

Numbers 2:16
The total number of men in the divisions of the camp of Reuben is 151,450; they shall set out second.

Numbers 10:18
Then the divisions of the camp of Reuben set out under their standard, with Elizur son of Shedeur in command.

Treasury of Scripture
All that were numbered in the camp of Reuben were an hundred thousand and fifty and one thousand and four hundred and fifty, throughout their armies. And they shall set forth in the second rank.

an hundred

Numbers 2:9,24,31
All that were numbered in the camp of Judah were an hundred thousand and fourscore thousand and six thousand and four hundred, throughout their armies. These shall first set forth…

they shall

Numbers 10:18
And the standard of the camp of Reuben set forward according to their armies: and over his host was Elizur the son of Shedeur.


Numbers 2:15
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