571. emeth
Lexical Summary
emeth: firmness, faithfulness, truth
Original Word: אֶמֶת
Transliteration: emeth
Phonetic Spelling: (eh'-meth)
Part of Speech: noun feminine; adverb
Short Definition: firmness, faithfulness, truth
Meaning: stability, certainty, truth, trustworthiness
Strong's Concordance
assuredly, establishment, faithful, right, sure, true, verity

Contracted from 'aman; stability; (figuratively) certainty, truth, trustworthiness -- assured(-ly), establishment, faithful, right, sure, true (-ly, -th), verity.

see HEBREW 'aman


H571. emeth

אֱמֶתnoun feminine firmness, faithfulness, truth (contracted for אֱמֶנֶת‎ from אָמֵן‎) Genesis 24:48 106t.; suffix אֲמִתְּךָ אֲמִתּוֺ,Psalm 91:4 18t.

1 reliability, sureness: אֱמֶת דֶּרֶחsure way Genesis 24:48 (J); אמת שׂכרsure reward Proverbs 11:18; אמת אותsure token Joshua 2:12 (J); אמת זֶרַעJeremiah 2:21.

2 stability, con-tinuance: וֶאֱמֶת שָׁלוֺםpeace and stability Isaiah 39:8 (= 2 Kings 20:19) Esther 9:30; Jeremiah 33:6; Zechariah 8:19, compare אמת שׁלוםJeremiah 14:13.

3 faithfulness, reliableness: (α) of men אֱמֶת אִישׁfaithful man Nehemiah 7:2; אמת אנשׁיExodus 18:21 (E); בֶּאֱמֶת הָלַחwalk in faithfulness, faithfully 1 Kings 2:4; 3:6; 2 Kings 20:3; Isaiah 38:3 compare 1 Samuel 12:24; of בַּאֲמִתֶּ֑ךָ ׳י,Psalm 25:5; 26:3; 86:11; האמת עירZechariah 8:3; of men Psalm 45:5; 51:8; 2 Chronicles 31:20; 32:1; Proverbs 29:14; Isaiah 10:20; 42:3; 48:1; ׳בא ובתמיםJudges 9:16, 19; Joshua 24:14; וֶאֱ ׳חֶסֶדmercy and faithfulness Proverbs 3:3; 14:22; 16:6; 20:28; Hosea 4:1, & the phrase ואמת חסד עשׂהGenesis 24:49; 47:29; Joshua 2:14 (J) 2 Samuel 15:20. (b) an attribute of God Psalm 54:7; 71:22; Isaiah 38:18-19, 61:8; אמת נתןMicah 7:20; אמת עשׂהEzekiel 18:9; Nehemiah 9:33; ואמת חסד עשׂהGenesis 32:11 (J) 2 Samuel 2:6; ואמת חסד רבabundant in mercy and faithfulness Exodus 34:6 (J) Psalm 86:15; these attributes are also associated 40:11; 40:12; 61:8; 115:1; 138:2; Isaiah 16:5; Genesis 24:27 (J); they are messengers of God to men Psalm 57:4; 85:11; 89:15 compare 43:3; י ארחות ׳כל ואמת חסד25:10; the faithfulness of God endureth for ever 117:2; he keepeth it for ever 146:6; it reacheth unto the skies 57:11; 108:5; it is shield & buckler 91:4; he is אמת אל31:6 = אמת אלהי2 Chronicles 15:3; אֱמֶת‎ is also associated with the divine ישׁרPsalm 111:8; צֶדֶק85:12; צְדָקָהZechariah 8:8; מִשְׁמָּטPsalm 111:7; Jeremiah 4:2; & salvation Psalm 69:14.

4 truth (a) as spoken: אמת דברspeak truth 1 Kings 22:16; 2 Chronicles 18:15; Jeremiah 9:4; Zechariah 8:16; Psalm 15:2; א ׳דִּבְרֵיEcclesiastes 12:10; הַדָּבָר אֱמֶתthe thing is certainly true Deuteronomy 13:15; 17:4; אֱמֶת אִמְרֵי‎ = אמת אמריםProverbs 22:21; אמת הגה8:7; א ׳הגידDaniel 11:2, אֲמִתְּךָPsalm 30:10; אמת שׂפתProverbs 12:19; אֱמֶתit is true Isaiah 43:9; אתכם האמתwhether truth is with you Genesis 42:16 (E) compare Isaiah 59:14-15,. (b) of testimony and judgment אֱמֶת עֵדtrue witness Proverbs 14:25; ונאמן אמת עדJeremiah 42:5; אמת משׁפטEzekiel 18:8; Zechariah 7:9; אמת שָׁפַט8:16. (c) of divine instruction אֱמֶת כְּחָבDaniel 10:21; אמת תורתMalachi 2:6 compare Nehemiah 9:13; אמת תורתךPsalm 119:142; י ׳דבר אמת בְּפִיךָ1 Kings 17:24 compare 2 Samuel 7:28; אמת י ׳משׁפטיPsalm 19:10; אמת דברך ראשׁ119:160; אמת מצותיך119:151. (d) truth as a body of ethical or religious knowledge Daniel 8:12; באמתך להשׂכיל9:13.

5. adverb in truth, truly Psalm 132:11; אמת אלהים יהוהYahweh is God in truth, truly Jeremiah 10:10; elsewhere בֶּאֱמֶתJudges 9:15; Psalm 145:18; Jeremiah 26:15; 28:9; 32:41.


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